Khor Shuqi

Educational Publishers Forum Website

This is a website I designed and developed for a major online conference, complete with a ticketing system and PayPal integration. I was also in charge of the branding design. The website was built on ReactJS, GSAP, and Lottie on the front end, and Laravel on the back end.

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MABOPA Website

I was elected as a member of the executive committee of Malaysian Book Publishers Association (MABOPA) in 2019. When I joined the exco, the then website was developed using ExpressionEngine 1.7.3, a framework that has not been heard of for a very long time. The old website did not have a mobile layout, and was…

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Table of Content

This is a navigation directory for our colleagues to access their relevant internal systems. It contains a role filter to hide inaccessible pages. It also has a birthday reminder. To add more fun, I have added a GIF that would show up on birthday as a surprise. By the way, I have written a CSS…

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Royalty Robot

Since we have a different set of royalty rates and calculation method for each book, calculating royalty payments for our writers is a complex and overwhelming task. To ease the pain, I have written a system which will churn out all the numbers we need, and let us print a statement for each writer.

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